The Reserve’s Funds

The Reserve’s main area of work is filling in and replenishing the funds with valuable and rare items, which will be used in the permanent exhibitions of the Pushkin’s and Tchaikovsky’s Museum, the Historical Museum, the Art Gallery, temporary exhibitions, as well as in research works. The Reserve’s funds are classified into the following conservation groups:
- Material;
- Fine arts;
- Decorative and utility;
- Written;
- Photo materials.

Today in Kamyanka, the State Historical and Cultural Reserve has about 10 000 exhibits from the basic fund and 6150 subjects from scientific and auxiliary fund.
The Reserve stores a collection of books of the XVII-XX centuries, modern paintings by local artists and honoured artists of Ukraine from Cherkasy, the grand piano of the Davydovs’ Family, personal piano of Petro Tchaikovsky, various collections of numismatics, philately, weapons, military equipment from events, which took place in our region. Researchers are constantly working to replenish the funds of the Kamyanka Reserve with interesting exhibits.